неделя, 20 март 2022 г.

"IMAGINE" - Mike Stone, Israel


Imagine a city or town like yours
In which you get up in the morning
Extricating yourself from your warm blankets
Slip on your jeans and slippers
And wake the kids to get ready
For kindergarten or nursery.
Imagine you sit down to breakfast
Eggs or cereal, maybe pancakes
Make sure they brush their teeth
Pile them into their car seats
Turn the key in the ignition
Check the gas tank, the mirror
Look both ways and pull out carefully
Depositing each one safely
With the other children and teachers.
Imagine you go to work
You get a good day’s work in
Go home, kiss the wife and kids,
Put them to bed, unwind with the wife
Have a delicious supper
Share a couple glasses of wine
And climb into bed together
Under the blankets
And the normal worries of the day
Until you sink into pleasant dreams.
Now imagine a city or town in Ukraine
It doesn’t matter which
It could be Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkiv, Lviv,
Or anywhere else in that God-forsaken country
Skies blackened with missiles, shells
Fighter jets, helicopters, tanks and artillery
With no place to hide, no food or water,
No pharmacies or hospitals left standing
Fathers and grandfathers unable or unwilling
To leave their country to fall into the hands
Of a would-be Stalin whose dreams
Are the nightmares of everyone else.


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