четвъртък, 6 март 2025 г.

Awakening the muse - Gordana Andonovska, North Macedonia


A sweet respite from the tumult of thoughts.

The sun's rays gently dance in the silence.
The pigeons are slowly returning to the nests..
Afternoon is the time when love is strongest..
When the night gathers strength for a kiss.
To send the day to gather new strength.
An ideal time to relax all the senses.
When the reactions subside, the muse wakes up.
Creating new works, by traveling through the imagination..
Each sigh creates a new and new story..
Words immortalized, on the whiteness of the paper.
The twilight where the look hides the truth..

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The Muse with You - magazine for poetry and art. * Списание за поезия и арт.

Две плачещи върби - Деси Цветкова