Sorry, I'm sad today, I can't help but be!
I'm a woman, alone and, as they say, free.
I have no one to share my joy or sorrow with.
My beauty passes, old age threatens me with loneliness.
The day is gloomy, danger looms over us
and the worries that afflict me make me weep.
I'll be strong and there will be no tears,
I'll be beautiful and smiling, with lipstick on my lips,
and I'll take a look at the shop windows
as if everything is under control and as if my life is flourishing.
But today, without protection and support,
I can’t stand more bad news or dark thoughts.
One of those days has come that breaks me.
Luckily, that phase only lasts for a while and passes quickly.
Tomorrow, my most beautiful ornament will return - a smile
and no one will know that this brave woman is suffering.
Today,I think of the love I don’t have and then
it bothers me more than the lack of money
and the war that threatens everyone.
Just today, all the sorrows have gathered in my soul.
Starting tomorrow, just like yesterday,
I'll raise my head and walk upright, as if nothing had happened.
Starting tomorrow, just like yesterday,
this "free" woman will wear a dress with cheerful colors
and put red lipstick and a smile on her face,
then bravely continue the race.
This "free" woman has no time for tears, no time for fears.
With strength for two, I have a lot of work to do!
Original text
Oprostite, tužna sam danas, ne mogu ne biti!
Ja sam žena, sama i, kako kažu, slobodna.
Svoju radost ili tugu nemam s kim podijeliti.
Moja ljepota prolazi, starost mi samoćom prijeti.
Dan je tmuran, opasnost se nadvija nad nama,
a brige koje me pogađaju, rasplaču me.
bit ću jaka i nece biti suza,
bit ću lijepa i nasmijana, sa karminom na usnama,
razgledat ću izloge
kao da je sve pod kontrolom i kao da mi život cvjeta.
Ali danas, bez zaštite i podrške,
ne mogu podnijeti više loših vijesti ili mračnih misli.
Došao je jedan od onih dana koji me slomi.
Srećom, ta faza traje samo neko vrijeme i brzo prolazi.
Sutra će mi se vratiti najljepši ukras - osmijeh
i niko neće znati da ova hrabra žena pati.
Danas razmišljam o ljubavi koju nemam i tada
to smeta mi više od nedostatka novca
i rata koji svima prijeti.
Baš danas su se sve tuge skupile u mojoj duši.
Od sutra, kao i juče,
podići ću glavu i hodati uspravno, kao da se ništa nije dogodilo.
Od sutra, kao i juče,
ova "slobodna" žena nosit će haljinu veselih boja
i staviti crveni ruž i osmijeh na lice,
onda će hrabro trku nastaviti.
Ova "slobodna" žena nema vremena za suze,
nema vremena za strahove.
Snagom za dvoje, imam puno toga obaviti!
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